limited edition of 100 of this classic now available. 11×14 fiber prints, signed and numbered, $50, what! available on his site, check it out: TED PUSHINSKY ..
Month: May 2009
new issue of cutter is out and they are having a bigtime show at sf camerawork gallery to celebrate, come thru!
Cutter Photozine Issue 2: Leaving a Mark
Opening Reception at
SF Camerawork Gallery
657 MIssion St
5-8pmTHUR JUNE 4th
Featuring works by keith aguiar, lauren anderson ,rhiannon argo, erin ashford, bill basquin, karl beck, cole blevins, dianne brennan, scott aaron bulleit, norma cordova, cory cunningham, angela decenzo, ale formenti, charles gatewood, talia herman, ethan indorf, lary jones, kate kaluzny, kean, forest kelley, erica kenia, ace lehner, amos mac, alexandra mandel, rick marr, jillian mayer, archie mckay, marilyn mcneal, zach nesmith, linda nguyen, alison o’connell, caroline paquita, jesse pollock, trevor powers, david pujol, jesse rose roberts, mateo roberts, nica ross, heather renee russ, andrew w schmidt, sara seinberg, darcy sharpe, elisa shea ,kerri sohn, rachel styer, courtney trouble, matthew van saunt, sophia wang, nick wortham, michael yurgeles & erik zo
After Party TBA
so everyone is wondering, what the hell happened to HAMBURGER EYES ISSUE 013? whens it coming out? its coming out in fucking july! and its go time! we have been in and out of town, busy with the lab, doing other shit to make cheddar, hard drives crashed, having a hard time selling ad space, etc. but time waits for no one, and theres no more excuses. its coming out in july and we on a mission. if you have photos, send them in, actually send it to the PHOTO EPICENTER since we here all day. if you know anyone interested in ad space, please tell them to get on it. sick, thanks.. this photo of burnt up car by our new friend in london, alexander bartsch, who will have photos in the new issue..
city of l.a., come celebrate the release of my keep shoe, this saturday at the keep store! there will be hawaiian bbq, hawaiian drinks, hawaiian music, and aliens. its gonna be fun! 2morrow! get there early..
brothers anthony and jackie musick, leucadia legends, went on epic bike tour of mexico. beautiful adventures, and they each have a blog about it, check the photos: anthony musick, and jackie musick..
THIS SATURDAY. Myself and Jeff Luger are throwing up photos all over the Stussy store here in SF, including collaboration pieces with Mike Giant and Ryan De La Hoz. It’s gonna get loco, don’t chicken out.
with the success of the first show, they decided to do a 2nd one! this is closing a month long show and the second one is sure to have even more awesome photos to look at.. michael jang + pirate cat radio, this wednesday, be there..
new website from PATRICK GRIFFIN!
photos from the TRACE ELEMENTS show and the SLIDELUCK POTSHOW, pretty fun night, free beer at both events and tons and tons of free delicious food at the slideshow, you missed out! heres some photos from michael jang on his flickr..
you may know him as the illuminated record collecting warlock, but you can now know him as video editor, this one by BOBBYLONDON from the COLDBLOOD not so secret society, whom now also has a new site called LAZERSUN..
the PHOTO EPICENTER updates: new darkroom hours. we’re open to regular customers only thursday friday saturday now. it might be temporary, it might be permament. come and find out. its the recession session, son. but do inquire about monthly membership, which allows printing all week. people[at] . space for members is now very limited. and yes, the phone is back on. so call to make appointments. also theres new gallery hours. come see the new show SECRET OF THE 9TH PLANET which is being hailed all over the country as the new hot shit in sf.. and actually im realizing that this photo up here isnt even at the photo epicenter! i thought it was! this is from the install at SFAC which opens this friday, come thru!