Pleased to announce our latest issue, Hamburger Eyes No. 52. You’ll notice more size, more pages, and more photographers. We found out that with the print shop we use, it’s actually cheaper to use one of their default paper sizes than to use our own regular custom paper size. This size is wider and taller and happens to be a size we have used in the past so it will be familiar. We also went with a lighter weight paper, trying to get it to lay flat when opened but also more savings. All of this means we can take that extra dough and add more pages. We are finally back up to 100 pages where we belong.

This issue features photographers based in Sacramento, Chicago, Tampa, Quebec, Rome, Le Vigan, and Thessaloniki.

Check it out.

Hamburger Eyes No. 52
The Continuing Story of Life on Earth

John Brian King
Antoine Larocque
Tyler Haage
Stefano Lemon
Manu Jougla
Renato Di Maggio Rodrigues
Odysseas Chloridis
Adam Roberts

100 Pages
6.69″ x 9.61″
Perfect Bind
80# cover/text
Published by Hamburger Eyes