I was fixing up some stuff on this site when I came across our almost forgotten ARCHIVES page. It hit me that I have been working on this website since 2003. Between 2003 – 2006 I had to build pages in html. And then in 2006 we installed this system, WordPress, and I remember posting at least every day. We had a podcast, we made vids. We blogged. I’m guessing social media started taking over around 2010. It started innocently. I remember not being that into it for Hamburger Eyes. But then the seduction.

There was a time when the podcast got turned into a talk show about the future. And we experimented with other “content” that didn’t really catch. I remember going hard for a year or 2 making like 4 zines a month and not wanting to put anything online. And then we lost the studio. And then all of a sudden Instagram literally took over, I changed this site to basically just a feed from our Insta account. I guess I’m saying I miss working on this site. And I wanna go back to it. No more Insta feed. I can do better. Analytics will say people are only looking at social media anyways, but my intuition is saying the content should start here and then pass it out and around later. That’s how it started and how it still should be. It’s addicting lurking on comments and likes on an app. It’s too easy to say no one is looking at the site. It’s lazy. So get ready for more… blogging. And featuring more photography and photographers.

Probs a lot of broken links but sill fun to dig around here:

I’m working on optimizing the site, especially for phones. I added tags so you can sort posts. And made sharing our stuff easier. More to come.

One response to “ARCHIVES”

  1. pghtom Avatar

    hell yes