Photo Magazine
hold that train
there was a time
some vids to chomp on, i think im gonna bring the f.a.r.t. section back because theres a lot of f.a.r.t.i.n.g. to do.. new lowcard #13 is out, get it.. also, its all old photos so far but this site is up and running..
going bonkers trying to put out this music issue so we’ve pushed back the advertising deadline once again, so please spread the word and if you havent got your ad in yet, do it!! ..this photo of poison ivy of the cramps by bay area now 4 buddy jim jocoy.. oh yeah our paypal is down at the moment so if you are having problems placing orders just wait like a day and itll be back up, and speaking of bonkers have you seen this video of kate moss going bonkers? link from epiclylaterd..
okay all kinds of more stuff if you arent sick of stuff yet, thursday go to the 10th anniversary of juice, these guys have been holding it down for years, also theres a film night at 111 minna called indiecent exposure, awesome, also tim’s new band top ten will be playing at the hemlock, and when everything feels like the world is coming down on you, have a drink with the coldblood crew who are djing secret potions, wizard breaks, stank gems, and sad soul tonight at the attic, do it.. (new coldblood tshirts are in, should be up on the site by this weekend).. and if you missed the opening for the odyssey, come on friday for your first stop of the LABYRINTH which is a bunch of galleries getting rad at once, intermingling and melting your brain.. this photo by stefan at our secret vip opening, check our celeb line up, too bad you couldnt get in, kermit was off the hook..
tommorrow night, tuesday 8pm, unpiano and burgerworld will present the classic POINT BREAK at ATA, (992 valencia + 21st.) you should come, it will be a good time, chef chanklas will be cooking up food for everyone, and we will be bringing a handful of short films to show prior to the feature, this includes titles such as “turdburglar” and episode 1 of the feel good hit of the summer “hamburger high”.. more info here..
site is back up! again! wow twice in one month, if you tried to email us it probably bounced back but that stuff is good to go now, so email your brains out.. in other news: hamburger eyes “youre stewwed buttwad” tshirt spotted on epiclylaterd, stefan went to the waterpark with a bunch of chicks, photos of robstock on endlessbummer, new lowcard site store is up, photos of the odyssey show on fecal face, thanks to everyone who came out for that, it was da bomb.. boogie was in town and i saw an advanced copy of his new book and its seriously fucking ridiculous, matt weber did a board series with zoo york, our buddy paul schiek is putting together a nice book series called the kin subscription series.. whew, what else? tim barber just had a nice looking show, ted pushinsky and jason roberts dobrin both have new books which will be available here soon, and i think thats it for now..
in honor of the music issue, hamburger ears, i will be putting up these random videos.. yippee!
burgerworld has been moving at a pace that we just cant keep up with, sorry for the recent indecent web scenario.. anyways, lots of busy busy getting ready for possibly the most biggest and baddest hamburger eyes show ever, the ODYSSEY, which opens next thursday, sept 7th, at steven wolf fine arts, its 5:30-7:30 pm at the 49 geary building, suite 411, sweeet, be sure to check their site for more info including write ups, bios, and what not..