we just setup a sweet burgery newsletter/mailing list type deal, sign up to recieve 100% pure liquid wickedness in your email about once a month or less.. also, dont forget to check out bill daniel photo show at needles + pens this weekend.. also, the word is out, stefan, patrick, jesse, dan, tim, and serge having a show at max fish on april feeeeiif, more info on that coming soon.. this photo here i might have actually already used here in the news but i dont care i like it, this guy has some kind of synth museum at his house, i forgot the story, photo by jon mcgrath who just got a nice feature on the new aws filmworks site..

One response to “MAIL BIRDS”

  1. MASEMAN Avatar

    alright, i love this site and wish i was more a photo loco. but anyways, can anyone give me a playlist to an old podcast? the date was Feb 4, 2006.