
We are here again! This time raising funds for our latest issue, HAMBURGER EYES No. 16. The truth is, Hamburger Eyes at this point still doesn’t make enough to take care of itself. But, we feel that it if we can raise the circulation numbers, we can get there, and that’s what this Kickstarter is all about.

Long story short to catch you up with us. Around 2009 the economy was shot. Advertising was non-existent, print shops doubled their prices, retail shops were closing up, and distribution was cut down more than half. It was getting harder and harder to make the magazine like how we wanted to make it. At that time we raised funds through a very successful Kickstarter campaign. It was amazing. That money was good for issue 13, but with the economy still all weird, we had to do something else.

By 2010, we had bought various printers, glue machines, and binding equipment and started producing books of all shapes and sizes in our studio, turning Hamburger Eyes into a full blown publishing company. We have published well over 100 titles since then. Eventually, when we felt comfortable and satisfied with the print quality, we started Hamburger Eyes Photo Magazine back up in late 2013. We printed a few hundred copies of Hamburger Eyes No. 14 and sold them all within a few months.

A couple months ago, when getting to release Hamburger Eyes No. 15, we knew that it was going to be a big job. And since our machinery was on its last legs, I thought we should look for a print shop to print it and I found a good one. We printed up a few hundred copies and sold out within a month!

Anywaaaaays, we think we can get Hamburger Eyes fully rolling if we can get enough copies to last through 2 months. That’s where you come in. We want to raise funds to put out at least 500 copies. We are setting up this Kickstarter as basically a pre-order and depending on how many we can sell will determine how many copies we can make.

The video above showcases just a fraction of the photos already laid out into the new issue. It will be a digital offset black and white print. 88 pages with saddle stitch binding.

Let’s do this!

Thanks in advance!
