Year: 2017
Magdalena Wywrot
Krakow, Poland. Universe.
(drinking) ink, (eating) pumpernickel with soot, (sleeping between) ravens.
Life is like a vicious crazy circle, the madman’s dream. Be always hungry and this hunger should be a desire to engulf the world rather than cognitive recognition of its corners. Everything we witness, experience and create belongs to us, regardless of what happens after our death.
This is a follow up to my 1 BILLION pages goal.
I did the math. I added up our page count and multiplied it by print run. I had to approximate the count on at least half of the titles. For example, all the stapled zines. I counted them all at 40 pages even though some were less and some were more. But I rounded down on the print run of those zines. I put them all at 50 copies, most of them were more. I figure it evens out.
I also added in our 2 books published by other publishers. And since I don’t know their print runs, I just put them at 1000. Even though the first is for sure around 3000 and I am guessing the second one is 1000. I think these books should be allowed in because it is still our stuff going out into the world.
3,236,900 is the total page count.
And that is based on approx 10,436 pages, which puts our average print run at 310 copies per title.
For fun, let’s see how many photos that is.
I am guessing running horizontal photos vs vertical photos is about 50/50. We usually put 2 photos per page with horizontal and 1 photo per page with vertical.
10,436 pages x 1.5 photos = 15,654 photos
Another way to do it:
5,218 pages x 2 horizontal photos = 10,436 horizontal photos
5,218 pages x 1 vertical photos = 5,218 vertical photos
15,654 photos total
This number is surprisingly small to me. I am sure each of you has 10,000 photos chilling on your phone right now. But it just goes to show how far 1 little photo can go. Should I make a goal for total photo count? Nah, I’m just going to stick to the 1 BILLION pages goal because that sounds rad.
I added the page counter to the bottom of the catalog page so you can keep score too:
Let’s get it!
Los Angeles, CA USA
Leica M6, Canon 5D, iPhone, Olympus point n shoot cameras…
The Continuing Story of Life on EarthFeaturing photography by:
Nick Jones
Dickie Hill
Chris Beale
Amelia Berumen
Kristan Klimczak68 Pages
Perfect Bind
100# Matte Cover/Text
Published by Hamburger Eyes$20
Shop more here - http:/shophamburgereyescom
The other day I was tripping off the ARCHIVES page of this site. Today I’m tripping off the CATALOG page. If you add it up we are exactly 200 titles deep. The ones we have counted anyways. It makes me think just how far can we go. And how many pages is that?
Our zines range from 32 pages to 200 pages. Let’s just say average is 75 pages. I just wanna play with some numbers.
75 pages x 200 titles = 15,000 pages
Print run (circulation) should be a factor too. The range is between 50 copies to 2000 copies on some of our back issues. Let’s just say 100 copies on everything for today’s math.
75 pages x 200 titles x 100 copies each = 1,500,000 pages
What will it look like to hit 1 BILLION ??
Right now we are trying to go 64 pages at 500 copies once a month.
64 pages x 500 copies x 12 months = 384,000 pages per year
1 BILLION pages / 384,000 pages per year = 2,604 years !!
If we increase page count and circulation, can we get there in 50 years?
1 BILLION pages / 50 years = 20,000,000 pages per year
Let’s say we get our page count up to 200 pages per issue.
20,000,000 pages / 200 pages = 100,000 copies per year
100,000 copies / 12 months = 8333 copies per month
This does not seem impossible to me. Most real magazines make like minimum 10,000 copies per month. Lasting 50 years also doesn’t seem impossible because we all shoot photos every day. Selling that many copies also not impossible because the world wide distribution game is changing for the better as we speak with all the different technologies happening. And speaking of technology, I am pretty sure we will live to at least 250 years old if not more.
Going through the site archives renewed my commitment to Hamburger Eyes, and seeing these numbers renews Hamburger Eyes commitment to photography.
From this day forth, 8.16.2017, I, Ray Potes, Publisher of Hamburger Eyes, promise to produce 1 BILLLION pages of photography before I die. This is my public contract. This is my mission. This is my purpose as an ambassador of photography for my planet.
Probs gonna need your guys help on this one.
PS. I’m going to add up the real numbers to see exactly where we are at page count wise. I’ll put a counter at the bottom of the catalog page so we will know every time we publish something how much closer we are to 1 BILLION pages.
Elmo Tide
To love only what is there
Akaron Kaba
Why deliver mail to the dead
I was fixing up some stuff on this site when I came across our almost forgotten ARCHIVES page. It hit me that I have been working on this website since 2003. Between 2003 – 2006 I had to build pages in html. And then in 2006 we installed this system, WordPress, and I remember posting at least every day. We had a podcast, we made vids. We blogged. I’m guessing social media started taking over around 2010. It started innocently. I remember not being that into it for Hamburger Eyes. But then the seduction.
There was a time when the podcast got turned into a talk show about the future. And we experimented with other “content” that didn’t really catch. I remember going hard for a year or 2 making like 4 zines a month and not wanting to put anything online. And then we lost the studio. And then all of a sudden Instagram literally took over, I changed this site to basically just a feed from our Insta account. I guess I’m saying I miss working on this site. And I wanna go back to it. No more Insta feed. I can do better. Analytics will say people are only looking at social media anyways, but my intuition is saying the content should start here and then pass it out and around later. That’s how it started and how it still should be. It’s addicting lurking on comments and likes on an app. It’s too easy to say no one is looking at the site. It’s lazy. So get ready for more… blogging. And featuring more photography and photographers.
Probs a lot of broken links but sill fun to dig around here:
I’m working on optimizing the site, especially for phones. I added tags so you can sort posts. And made sharing our stuff easier. More to come.