Photo by Casey Jones
We may not be the most “professional” or the most elegant or well designed, but we get to put out great photos. Thank you to everyone that submits photos, you are all so awesome. And thank you to everyone that buys an issue to keep the next one flowing. Here is a peek at the new issue number 33 coming later this week.
Photo by Reuben Radding
Photo by Steve Panariti
Photo by Johnny Salas
Photo by David Root
Photo by Louis Fabries
Photo by Nina Mourtizen
Photo by Samuel Liebert
Photo by Chris Leskovsek
6 responses to “H033 PREVIEW”
so it’s already available on amazon?
whoa crazy that was quick. part of the reason we are using the printer we use is because they are also a distributor! and they distro to the big guys like amazon and barnes and noble. we’ll see how this works out! funny how they have “used” copies of it already.
i ordered a copy when it popped up on a search for back issues thinking it was a fake or mistyped listing. it showed up at my house this afternoon. i was very confused by the used copies too. maybe they’re just damaged copies?
wow you got it already?! awesome! well as soon as i approve the proof copy, then it is technically “available” in the system. i approved it a few days ago. im stoked that all theses sites are picking it up. sure it could affect my sales here on this site, but more eyes on it out there and hopefully will lead to good things. thanks for this info!
i’m going to order exclusively from here in the future but i hope the wider exposure/availability is good for what you’re doing with this venture. i’m gonna order chrysalis on friday, it looks great!
awesome, thank u!