Photo by Olivier Bekaert

Not sure if any of you noticed, but I always noticed that on mobile screens our site looked “fuzzy”. Images weren’t as sharp as they should be. I knew it was because this site, which runs on WordPress, was trying to optimize images for all screens and just pure failing and that there was nothing I could do about it. But upon further research I found out that this theme we are using is also optimizing images AND the uploader we are using is optimizing images. Everybody trying to optimize images when they don’t even need optimizing since I do that when prepping in Photoshop. Anyways, I unplugged a bunch of plugins and it seems like everything is as sharp as it is supposed to be on all screens starting today. Don’t look at the old stuff. Just look at today and going forward and we should all be super sharp. Ok thanks.

Photo by Ted Pushinsky

Photo by Chris Leskovsek

Photo by Alex Herzog

Photo by Nick Jones