CELLYBRAIN was a small cellphone photo blog born in the side bar of the Hamburger Eyes website around 2005 that eventually became it’s own domain with open submissions. From 2010 to 2015, Hamburger Eyes published a CELLYBRAIN series of zines (16 issues) of our favorite photos from this domain. Sadly it didn’t survive the rise of social media but thanks to the printed form it can live on bookshelves forever.
This book is a compilation of those zines with the photos in their original small megapixel full color.
2nd Edition notes: Long story short, the first edition of this book came out a month before the pandemic lock downs. This book was running at 1188 pages. I knew for the printers it would be difficult to make this book. We had outsourced a company that would print per each order and ship directly to our customer. Normally, they would use their worldwide network of print shops to facilitate printing and shipping of orders. For Cellybrain, they could only print it and ship it from one location in Louisville, KY.
We made a couple nice copies and released the book to the public. Right out of the gate, quality control was all over the place. This many pages on thin paper was jamming up their machine yet they would still send out wonky delayed copies anyways. Soon the covid hit and the shipping nightmares began. We had to shut this book down after only a month of it’s release.
It took over a year of emails and print tests to finally figure it out. The new version of this book is of higher image quality and on nicer paper but cut down to 888 pages. The result makes for more finished book, actually thicker and heavier with the new edit more flowy and less redundant.
We will be shipping the books ourselves this time so we can track stuff more properly as well as monitor print quality.
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