Photo by Ray Potes
I get a lot of unsolicited advice from peers, “You should do Tiktoks.” As mentioned in multiple previous posts, I get conflicted / all in a tizzy about social media. But the idea of connecting with like minded peeps appeals to me. In fact, it is the best thing about my job and the main reason Hamburger Eyes is still happening.
I think I will stick to what I know, blogging. Not sure why the blog format stays my vibe. When Zuck took over IG and sent that message about owning all the photos, I got all weird. Anyways, I’ll start writing a weekly update here on the blog. We’ll talk about what’s happening or what’s of current interest or whatever. This is just a heads up to check back weekly.
Right now we are getting ready for the New York Art Book Fair. I’m excited because I haven’t been out there since pre-pandemic.
If you are in NY, let’s hang out.
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