Green ones and Gray ones.
Photo Magazine
Photo by Louis Fabries
Photos from the latest issue. Excited for this new larger format, excited for this new chapter.
Photo by Sila Yalazan
Photo by Brandon Getty
Photo by Dave Glass
Photo by Christopher Radney
Pleased to announce a new issue of Hamburger Eyes! This one coming in large and in charge at 8 x 10 and 9 oz. It’s great to be making zines again, it has been a while. Check it out, you will like this one.
The Continuing Story of Life on Earth
Brandon Getty
Christopher Radney
Dave Glass
Louis Fabries
Sila Yalazan
64 Pages
8″ x 10″
Staple Bind
Published by Hamburger Eyes
Photo by Ray Potes
Hiiiii. It’s been a while I know but guess what, hiatus over. New issue dropping later this week. Also the rumors are true, Hamburger Eyes is based in SF again. It is awesome to be back. We are settling in and ready to make hella zines and hella books.
The next issue will be larger in format, 8 inch x 10 inch. And tighter in execution, 64 pages. And it will lay flat, saddle stitch binding. I’ve been wanting for a while to go back to staples because I like when I can stare at spreads on my tables or desks for inspo and chilling, no handed.
Thanks for your patience. Oh, new website vibes now much friendlier for multiple types of devices. Technology is marvelous. Share this content.
If you haven’t seen it yet, Josh Ethan Johnson has began an awesome series about photography. There are 19 episodes already. There will be an LA screening later this week! There will be a Q+A. Come hang out. Get tickets in advance.
More info –
Photo by Arthur Pollock
These photos here from past publications. Look out for more zines and books coming soon.
Photo by Gabe Campo
Photo by David Root
Photo by Lucy Wood
Photo by Reuben Radding
Photo by Auston Marek
Photo by Ray Potes
More photos from past issues of Hamburger Eyes.
Don’t worry, we do have many new issues on deck. Stay tuned, coming soon.
Photo by Graham Wiebe
Photo by Sean Maung
Photo by Claudio Majorana
Photo by David Catalano
Photo by Joao Pedro Lima
Photo by Tom Souzer
Photo by Olivier Bekaert
If you are brand new to Hamburger Eyes, these photos are excerpts from pages of our zines, magazines, and books. If you would like to be part of it because you have been shooting some great photos and are obsessed like us, we would like that very much. Send email.
Photo by Elmo Tide
Photo by Sam Quinn
Photo by Alex Herzog
Photo by Louis Fabries
Photo by Vaclav Tvaruzka
Photo by Luis Mendoza
Photo by Ray Potes
I think it’s normal to over think about “quality” of “content”, I usually try to evade those words and marinate on “consistency” or “volume”. But nowadays, or at least today, I’m thinking about “speed”.
What’s the rush? What’s the impatience? Is it just a sign of the times, the idea of “hustle” culture? It sometimes feels that way and it can be sticky but it is all related to “obsession.”
The need for speed is the desire to outpace or just catch up to your obsession (photography). There are 2 sides of the coin here. Yes, sometimes it is about financial success vs financial crisis. But on the other side, it is about learning. Learning what works and what doesn’t work as soon as possible. Because intuitively we know that each completed lesson is a level up.
Sometimes I’ll tell somebody or myself to “chill” or “have patience.” I’m realizing now that may not be good advice. Time is running out. Let’s go further and be faster with our experiments, wonderings, and wanderings.
“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier Bresson
Photo by Joe Plonsker
Photo by Blake Kunin
Photo by Nick Slobin
Photo by Kanoa Zimmerman
Photo by Casey Jones