Author: RZZ
new podcast!! from bobby london (coldblood), its called happys coming download it, subscribe to it, get itunes, do whatever you have to do to rock it, its huge so it will take awhile to get it, be patient, you wont be sorry.. oh and new coldblood shirts coming to the site anyday now, keep in touch.. -
lots of artyness happening! listen to chuck, aimee, and zefrey talk the talk and mention hamburger eyes while their at it on zefrey’s radio show frank prattle, (scroll down to the chuck mobley/sf camerwork and aimee de luc/southern exposure interview, while your at it check the other interviews of other folks you might know, like breezy and andrew, chris fitzpatrick, john trippe, rene de guzman aka manila ice, etc) .. and speaking of sf camerawork, we will be participating in their annual auction, holy crap our masterpieces will be displayed next to real masterpieces on dec 2nd.. also, speaking of manila ice, me and dave have been invited to speak with him on a panel discussion on the topic of art and travel along with bill owens and margy boyd (art tours) at the YBCA.. anyways, our buddy mike cancel has been doing a sweet music blog you should check out.. and speaking of music its last call for advertising in the music issue, dont be a hater be a participator.. “but how will i know people are gonna see my ad and even care?” ..because hamburger eyes is distibuted world wide to over 40 countries, (newest subscribers are mamis and papis in puerto rico) and with a run of 3000 copies and a pass along readership level at about 5 (this means someone with a hamburger eyes is most likely gonna show it to their homies, post it up on their coffee tables, bathrooms, camper shells, bowling ball bag, etc..) that means like 15 million people are gonna see your ad and guess what, shazam your the coolest company on the planet mostly because your down with the most epic shit since the big bang or since adam bit the apple.. this photo by our homie paul schiek (check his new blog here) featured in the first ever themed issue of the ridiculously epic hamburger eyes, the music issue, hamburger ears.. -
a super way long time ago my friends made a bowling team called “the domos”, (pronounced “dah moes”) domos is short for dominators so whenever i write “domo” on the site, that is slanguage for “ultimate domination”.. anyways, this friday night is domo cuz of photos up the wazooo, in the sunset area (3131 clement) we have dennis and tobin domoing with tommy g domoing the guitar, and in the east bay (bows and arrows) we have a whole mess of folks including uri and patrick domoing with don bobbylon domoing the turntables, pick your poison or hit up both, who’s got a car? does it domo? call me.. -
dont forget to pick up your copy of ITS ALL GOOD new book by boogie, this photo of vladimir himself signing books at the release in nyc by ed leveckis.. and speaking of serbs, stefan simikich will be handling the “photo of the day” everyday this week on fecalface.. also the serbs, me, and teddy p have photos in powerhouse’s new magazine called guess what? powerhouse magazine, (boogie got the cover!) limited so get one while supplies last, hopefully i can get some books and mags for the PIE, we’ll see.. -
the ODYSSEY show got a review in the latest issue of ARTWEEK, CLICK HERE
to read it (let me know if theres a problem with the file or if you cant read it or whatever).. -
SELLY FONE foat ohs uv da daeee
melissa -
guru guru -
BWCD0000000000001 – SEDAN
shit! new cd! guess what label? hamburger ears records, can you dig it? check out our friends danny and scott and their band SEDAN and buy their cd and support life in general.. we also got a new zine from sweden called cederteg no.1 and a new book from australia called westside by conor o brien, both available at your favorite online cash recepticle, the Photographic Institute of Epicness aka the PIE..