Category: NEWS
cool costume idea #1: poke 2 holes in a sheet and wear it over your whole self, then roll around in turds, shazam, its the dookie ghost! happy halloween, if you are doing a werewolf, dont forget your hands, its annoying if only your head is wolfy.. this is tina playing with the deadly weapons along with s.t.r.e.e.t.s. and hightower on halloween 2 years ago, around the time when the music issue was supposed to be done.. have fun be safe and dont go too crazy, your old.. some site updates coming i swear.. -
CELLY PHONE photos of the day
jrd -
spinal tap -
All praise Sleep.
(And while you’re at it, buy an add for the new music issue!) -
This is a old photo. the band was called Spread Eagle. they are pretty much the best band ever! This photo was shot after a show on 4th st. Olympia. they are all robotized in this picture. They broke a bunch of stuff and wandered outside aimlessly. Which reminds me, Buy adds you ding dongs. the music issue is desperate. Show some love….. -
Skip James singing “Crow Jane”. -
Elizabeth Cotton learned to play guitar at a very young age. But it wasn’t until she was in her 60s that she was “discovered” by Mike Seeger. She was a maid for the famous family of folkies, the Seegers, and it was Papa Seeger that first heard her play, recorded her and shopped her songs to Folkways. And the rest is history. She died in 1987 at 92 years of age. -
I believe this to be the finest painting ever made.