Photo by Ray Potes
I was thinking I should be posting on here more but then I was like why? Well, the easy answer is to share more info and current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors behind and in front of the scenes at Hamburger Eyes. For those that have the interest.
The tougher answer is the idea of being an ambassador of photography. This answer can be beaten into oblivion. One, who cares? Two, is anyone really checking this blog? Three, who are you to inspire or motivate or educate or encourage anything about photography? This 3rd one is the point.
If I believe that we are here to make the world a better place, then isn’t just seeding one positive thought into just one other person getting the job done regardless of my education, status, etc.? It is. If one person shoots a photo because of something I said or shot or designed as a zine, magazine, or book, then isn’t that what an ambassador does? It is. I am just thinking out loud.
I write this because we all have our doubts and concerns about ourselves. (Me, lately.) I have gotten got some great feedback from that video interview that has been recently posted. (That was filmed like 5 years ago, by the way.) I know people like Hamburger Eyes, but I didn’t fully understand that something that started as a casual zine amongst friends can have such long lasting effects.
I don’t say all this to talk about myself, I say this as a reminder to myself to pay better attention and even do more. Or, accept my role as an ambassador. Daily.
I also say this to show you, who might be in a slump or fog that just one photo, one idea, one thought, one word can help at least one other person not just in photo but in life. And thus, change the world.
Today, dear reader, you too are an ambassador. Congrats.